Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dry Brush to Detox Inside and Out

Dry Brushing - What I like to call outside detox for the skin! Since I’m all about getting rid of toxins inside and out dry brushing is so beneficial to your body as a whole.  It gives your skin a nice complexion and also stimulates organs in your body and circulates blood flow.  Let’s just say your skin does not get the attention it needs therefore dry brushing gives it a wakeup call.  I prefer to dry brush in the morning because it gives me energy and then I jump in the shower after.  At first I was a bit harsh on my skin but there is no need for that, it still does its job with gentle strokes starting from your ankles brushing up towards your heart.  Because dry brushing awakens your inner beauty as well it’s also useful to manage bloating because it helps get rid of the excess water and toxin build up from the bloat.  (For ladies that have to deal with this once every month its a life saver!)

Happy dry brushing
Dry Brushing Guide

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